智见控股 | 专注于磁性材料的设计、研发和制造 |
Hangzhou Foresee Group Holding Co., Ltd. 展出产品:永磁材料、软磁材料、 磁组件、金属粉末注射/阻尼转轴等 展位号:A108 网址:www.foresee.xyz
智见集团始创于2000年,总部位于中国杭州,旗下有象限科技、科德磁业、美磁科技、斯莫尔、智见科技、湖南智见、惠州友星电子、美磁表面处理等20余家子公司,其中四家国家高新技术企业,拥有省级研发中心、企业技术中心和博士后工作站。 智见集团专注于磁性材料、磁性组件和功能磁性模块的设计、研发和制造,产品包括各种永磁和软磁材、有刷和无刷电机以及线性电机模组、金属注射成型(MIM)、复杂的磁路系统以及充磁和检测系统等。通过制造垂直整合,我们在全球范围内为汽车、消费电子、家电、安防、传感、医疗、通讯、航空航天和其它行业的知名客户提供一站式解决方案。
Foresee Group and its subsidiaries focuses on the design, R&D, and manufacturing of magnetic materials with other products spanning across various applications such as powder injection molding parts, magnetic assemblies, functional magnetic modules, motors, devices and more. Our expertise leads to an upgrade in product design and optimization. Through continuous innovation and ingenuity, our technology is ready to provide tailor-made solutions which allows our customers to witness their products transform from being only a concept to being a final completion.
Permanent Magnetic Materials
Sintered NdFeB, SmCo, Flexible Magnets, Bonded Magnets (Injection Molding Magnets, Compression Molding Magnts ) , Magnetic Materials Including Alnico, FeCrCo, Ferrite, SmFeN. Using The PPS, PA6, PA12 And Epoxy Binder. Soft Magnetic Materials
不同规格、性能的软磁材料(包括铁钴、铁镍、硅钢片、钴铁镍、铁基纳米晶、铁基非晶/钴基非晶等),广泛应用于EMC共模电感, EMI 滤波器、高频变压器、电流互感器、磁放大器、PFC 电感,输出滤波电感, 太阳能逆变电抗器等。
FeCo, FeNi, FeSi, CoFeNi, Amorphous and Nanocrystalline materials (Cobalt-based Amorphous, Fe-based Amorphous, Fe-based Nanocrystalline Etc., ). Be widely used in EMC Common Mode Choke, EMI Filter, High Frequency Transformer, Current Transformer, Magnetic Amplifier, PFC choke, Out filter inductor and Solar Inverter Reactor etc. Magnetic Assemblies
Modules,Rotors, Stators,Motors, Laminated Magnets, Halbach Array and Vibration Motors.
MIM Alloys/ Hinges
MIM Materials (Stainless Steel, Ceramic, Low Alloy Steel, Tool Steel, Soft Magnetic Alloy, Special Alloy)and Hinges.
组委会联络处 广东智展展览有限公司 (国际展览业协会(UFI)中国区成员,广东会展组展企业协会副会长单位 中国十佳品牌组展商) 地址:广州市海珠区金菊路15号佳兴大厦307室 电话:020-29193588/29193589 手机:18922162952(同微) 传真:020-29193591 邮箱:ex36008@126.com 展会官网:www.cwexpo.com.cn