天恒测控 | 全球电、磁测量高端仪器的引领者 |
长沙天恒测控技术有限公司 Tunkia Co.,Ltd. 展出产品:电工钢交流磁性测量系统、 电工钢铁心磁性测量装置、 旋转平台表磁分布测试系统、 手持式三轴磁通门磁强计等 展位号:B178 网址:www.tunkia.com
长沙天恒测控技术有限公司是全球电、磁测量高端仪器的引领者,产品与技术应用覆盖电磁测量的全领域,0.01级及以上国产高端仪器在国内占有率超过80%。企业拥有22大系列、300余种型号电磁测量仪器,广泛应用于计量校准、工业检测、科学研究等。业务遍及50多个国家地区,服务全球30000多家用户,覆盖国家级计量机构与重点实验室。 天恒测控专注于核心技术的自主研发,多次参与国家重点研发计划项目,获得国内外权威机构的认证和荣誉。国际上受聘于IEC、IEEE标准协会,国内受聘于全国电磁计量技术委员会等十多个专业委员会,主导或参与3项国际标准、30余项国家标准或规范的制修订。2022年荣获国家级重点“专精特新”小巨人称号,是唯一一家电磁测量领域的企业。 TS1200
TS1200 is a system specially designed to measure the AC magnetic properties of electrical steel sheets. It is mainly composed of excitation and measurement host, Epstein square ring, single piece permeability meter, automatic measurement software, etc. The AC magnetic properties of grain-oriented or unoriented electrical steels, transformer or motor cores can be measured in a wide frequency range of 45Hz to 10KHz. TS2500
TS2500 is an intelligent testing system for fast testing the magnetic properties of motors, motors and other laminated stators. The system consists of excitation and measuring host, automatic measuring software and so on. In a certain range, it can automatically measure the motor stator core or other types of electrical steel core iron loss and other magnetic parameters.
TY2200 is dedicated to measuring magnetic field distribution on the surface of permanent magnet materials and electron rotor. It is mainly composed of test platform (built-in digital Tesla meter, probe three-axis positioning device, rotating chuck, motion controller), computer and system-level software.
TM4300B is a portable, multifunctional weak magnetic measuring instrument, equipped with high sensitivity, high linearity, low drift triaxial fluxgate sensor. It is mainly used on earth magnetic field measurement, environmental magnetic field detection, detection of small ferromagnet or rock weak magnetic field, metal parts processing residual magnetic measurement, packaging/package inspection, etc.
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