璋祐科技(深圳)有限公司 Zhang You Technology (Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd. 展位号:B069 展出产品:多极全自动点焊/测试一体机、多股线束热熔焊接机、 无刷定子点焊机、单极全自动点焊/测试一体机等 网址:www.szzhangyou.com
公司简介 璋祐科技(深圳)有限公司是一家以“专注焊接、用心服务”为核心价值、一切以用户需求为中心、专注品质、不断创新的科技型企业。产品核心技术来自于台湾,璋祐一直专注于电阻点焊机、微弧焊焊接设备等领域的发展,公司拥有一支在行业内10多年的技术精湛服务团队,对新型设备开发及客制化设备设计生产等有着丰富的经验积累,公司团队针对设备的设计创新、功能研发、组件运用以及客户生产过程的教学服务等等不断精进、精益求精,设计生产各类交流/直流串激电机的电枢点焊及定子线圈的端子点焊和无刷直流马达的定子连接端子碰焊、各类型的刷架零组件焊接、五金精密件碰焊、多股漆包线束焊接等等,有着全新的设计理念,公司所设计和生产的设备性能优良、结构合理、外型美观、操作简便、安全无恙、更可为广大客户量身定做,开发设计真正适合不同企业需求的产品! 璋祐公司以技术为核心,视质量为生命,成为客户新产品开发参与及后续生产设备配套的最佳战略合作伙伴,竭诚为客户提供高产能、高稳定性、高性价比的设备和无微不至的售后服务!
Zhang You Technology is a “focus on welding intentions” as the core value of all the user needs, focus on quality, innovative and technological enterprises.The core technology comes from Taiwan, Zhang You has focused on the development of micro resistance spot welding, arc welding equipment etc. The company has a skilled service team for more than 10 years in the industry, and has a wealth of experience in the development of new equipment and customized equipment design and production. Zhang You team for equipment design innovation, functional R&D, component application and customer production process teaching service, etc., constantly improve, excellence. Desig and manufacture of various kinds of AC/DC series motor armature spot welding and stator coil terminal spot welding and brushless DC motor stator connection butt welding. Various types of brush rack components welding, metal precision parts touch welding, multi strand enxmeled wire harness welding and so on, has a new design concept. The performance of the company equipment design and production quality, reasonable structure, beautiful appearance, convenient operation, safe and sound, can be tailored to our customers, design really suitable for the needs of different enterprises products! Zhang You company takes technology as the core, regards quality as the life, to become the best choice of customer strategic cooperation. Wholeheartedly provides the high production capacity, high stability, and high performance price ratio equipment. Especially, the meticulous after-sales service for the customer!
1、三极或五极同时加压焊接,效率高,受力均匀变形量小。 2、前端可连接绕线机,后端可连接压敏机、精车机或平衡机。 3、焊接效率高,焊接品质高度一致。
1、不用去漆皮,不用上锡,直接熔焊,效率成倍提升。 2、导通率好,是多股漆包线电机的理想选择。
1、单头/双头、半自动/全自动多种机型,全方位满足您的各类型无刷定子的焊接需求。 2、可连接上位机/MES系统,数据实时监控与储存。 3、强大的监控功能,确保焊接品质稳定可靠。
1、高性能的焊接系统,稳定性、功能性都行业领先。 2、可连接上位机/MES系统,数据实时监控与储存。 3、可与众多厂家进行连线,灵活融入全自动产线。 4、轨道流向任意定制,入料/出料端可加置料/收料架,方便不连线机型使用,减轻操作人员工作量。
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